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Scrabble Scrabble

Scrambled eggs, broken into a pan, mixed with butter, salt, pepper, etc., and cooked slowly, is by 1843.Man vs wild 720p download free full episodes JMan vs wild 720p download free full episodes


football, in reference to a quarterback avoiding tacklers, by 1964. The transitive sense, in reference to radio signals, telephone voices, etc., "to make unintelligible," is attested from 1927, hence generally "to jumble, muddle." In U.S. The transitive sense of "to stir or toss together randomly, cause to move confusedly" is from 1822. a real, honest, old fashioned boarding-school, where a reasonable quantity of accomplishments were sold at a reasonable price, and where girls might be sent to be out of the way, and scramble themselves into a little education, without any danger of coming back prodigies. 1580s (intransitive), "make one's way by clambering, etc., struggle or wriggle along," also "strive with others or jostle and grasp rudely for a share or for mastery " a word of obscure origin, perhaps a nasalized variant of scrabble (v.) "to struggle to scrape quickly." OED points to dialectal scramb "pull together with the hands," a variant of scramp, which is probably a nasalized form of scrape.
