You can obviously spend less on various parts of it. As soon as I tell you what equipment I’m using, then we’ll go through my workflow as to how I actually use the equipment, and after that I’ll show you how I make money out of all of it. What I’ll do first is to walk you through the studio tour where I show you how all the equipment is set up.

That said, you want to put both of these filming approaches together because when you get people to discover you and watch a little bit in a vertical mobile friendly video, then you get someone over to watch your longer format horizontal videos, that’s when you make sales, that’s when you get ad revenue and that’s when you can do a whole business out of this. My videos are actually getting watched more in mobile than in horizontal. TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram story videos in vertical format are hot. I just calculated the other day, I make an average of $275 for every video I upload, and the best part is with this filming studio it only takes me one to three hours to make a video, and in fact these story videos, I can make four or five of them in an hour. I’ll show you the exact workflow I use to put videos out to YouTube in horizontal and to TikTok in vertical as well as share those in stories, and I’ll even show you how I make money out of all this. I’ll show you the exact equipment I’ve gotten in my studio.

You are about to discover a fantastic studio filming setup that I’m using today to film both vertical story videos for Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, and the exact same studio setup that I’m using to film this video now in horizontal, and the best part is I don’t have to move the camera at all to make it possible. How To Film Videos For YouTube And TikTok With OBS In Vertical + Horizontal Profiles!